Citrus Finger Lime Pink Ice
Citrus Finger Lime Pink Ice
Pink Ice is great commercial variety of finger lime. With large fruit, regular fruit set, great colour and flavour! A cooler climate will bring more colour to the fruit or fruit that ripen over winter will show the best colour. The taste is mild and zesty, with a slightly bitter flavour and a grapefruit finish. It goes very well in cocktails and clear alcoholic drinks such as gin. But is also great in many dishes. The plant is of medium vigour with open type of canopy.
Fruit Characteristics:
Size : 8-10cm
Skin : Dark green then turns maroon red when ripe.
Vesicles : pink to red (cooler weather) lighter pink (warmer weather)
Fruiting Season : March to May
Height : grows to approx 1.7m in a pot
Our plants are currently available in 140mm pots.