Citrus Finger Lime Red Champagne
Citrus Finger Lime Red Champagne
Red Champagne is one of most popular varieties of finger lime. With a beautiful zesty but mild and subtle taste. It is very versatile. It can be used in drinks, salads, deserts and with seafood. And it is also lovely eaten fresh. Cooler weather brings more color to the fruit. The plant is of medium vigor and with a well developed dense canopy. This variety has a regular fruit set with a long fruiting season. Fruit are often smaller during winter months. Red Champagne has a long shelf life for a finger lime. Lasking well beyond most other finger lime varieties.
Fruit Characteristics:
Size : 6-9cm
Skin : burgundy to maroon red when fully ripe.
Vesicles : clear changing to red as they ripen, small to medium vesicles.
Fruiting Season : January to May
Height : grows to approx 1.6m in a pot
Our plants are currently available in 140mm pots.