Clerodenrum nutans Nodding Clerodendrum Bridal Veil Clerodendrum
Clerodenrum nutans Nodding Clerodendrum Bridal Veil Clerodendrum
This stunning plant also called the Bridal Veil Clerodendron produces an amazing display of flowers through Autumn and Winter. The flower are produced in masses all over the plant on short stems that weep down. Adding to the appeal and floral display. It grows to approx 2m in height if left un-pruned. But can be kept much shorter! We keep a large one in a pot pruned at approx 1m in height. It does well both in the garden or in pots. And loves a position in part shade, however it will happily grow in full sun too. Best kept out of strong winds which will extend its flowering period.
We currently have beautiful plants in 180mm pots. Pictures above are our plants listed for sale in the autumn 2024 period. Outside of this period they may not be in flower when purchased.
Follow us on Facebook! For the perfect Clerodendrum food, try these rock minerals!