Dichroa versicolour Evergreen Hydrangea
Dichroa versicolour Evergreen Hydrangea
Dichroa versicolour Evergreen Hydrangea is a fantastic large growing Evergreen Hydrangea. They are much more sun tolerant than most hydrangea. Ideally suited to part shade or a half day direct sun. Though they can survive in full sun if well watered. Though they will show some signs of stress or burn in full sun in summer. The flowers can be dark blue or dark pink or any colour between depending on your soil. The individual flowers are tiny and found in Clare clusters forming beautiful flower heads. They have a light fragrance. And are loved by birds, bees and butterflies for their pollen and nectar. They form large shrubs. But can be pruned hard to keep their size down. They flower on new and old wood. So a hard prune does not stop them flowering. They flower most of spring, summer and autumn for us in the nursery.
Soil or potting media will determine the colour of your flowers. Don't want luck to determine you hydrangea colour? Use Hyadrangea Blueing Agent or Hydrangea Pinking Agent to turn the flowers the colour you desire.
Our plants are in 200mm pots. They are new season plants growing strongly. Our current plants have pink flowers due to the pH of our potting mix.
Follow us on Facebook! Here are the rest of our Hydrangeas! For the perfect hydrangea food, try these rock minerals!