Hydrangea Blue Wave (Mariesii Perfecta)
Hydrangea Blue Wave (Mariesii Perfecta) is a Lacecap hyadrangea. It is a gorgeous lush hydrangea with a row of florets around a central flower cluster. The flowers are blue in acidic soil and pink in alkaline soil.
It is a strong and vigorous grower and can reach 2m x 2m in the garden. It makes a fantastic hedge. Or large feature plant in the garden. And a fantastic and stunning pot specimen if pruned hard after flowering in summer.
Hydrangea Blue Wave was first introduced to cultivation in 1904 by Victor Lemonie as Hydrangea Mariesii Perfecta. It later became known as blue wave.
Keep them in a spot that gets morning sun and afternoon shade.
Soil or potting media will determine the colour of your flowers. Don't want luck to determine you hydrangea colour? Use Hyadrangea Blueing Agent or Hydrangea Pinking Agent to turn the flowers the colour you desire.
Our plants are in 200mm pots. Follow us on Facebook! Here are the rest of our Hydrangeas! For the perfect hydrangea food, try these rock minerals!