Hydrangea macrophylla Miss Belgium - growing - ready spring 2024
Hydrangea macrophylla Miss Belgium is wonderfull mop head hydrangea. Reaching a sizes around 1.2m it so more compact than many other mop head hydrangea. It produces stunning flowers against lovely dark green foliage. Blue Ourple flowers in low acid soils. Or dark rich pink red flowers in soils above a pH of 6. Preferring part shade she puts on quite a performance through the flowering season. Flowers are perfectly balanced to the leaf and bush size. And are supported by strong upright stems. In acid soil there will be all sorts of violet-blue and Blue purple colour tones. Potting mix brings out the rich pink red colour shades. Makes a great garden or pot plant specimen with its more compact size.
We fertilise regularly with Earthlife Flower Blend through the growing and flowering season to ensure an abundant supply of flowers.
Soil or potting media will determine the colour of your flowers. Don't want luck to determine you hydrangea colour? Use Hyadrangea Blueing Agent or Hydrangea Pinking Agent to turn the flowers the colour you desire.
We grow Miss Belgium in 140mm and 200mm pots. Follow us on Facebook! Here are the rest of our Hydrangeas! For the perfect hydrangea food, try these rock minerals!