Hydrangea Veitchii
Hydrangea Macrophylla Veitchii is a small bushy deciduous shrub of 1 to 1.5 metres tall and wide. Lacecap white flowers surrounding blue centres which turn pink with age. It has some the best mildew resistance of any Hydrangea known. This hydrangea also boasts some of the bluest flowers which contrast so well with its white sterile florets. The white sterile florets will age to pink. Glossy green leaves tinged in red. If pruning is needed, do it immediately after flowering as the plant will have time to put on new growth that will set flower buds for the following spring. Full shade to partial shade.
Our plants are in 200mm pots. Follow us on Facebook! Here are the rest of our Hydrangeas! For the perfect hydrangea food, try these rock minerals!