Hydrangea paniculata Pee Gee - Ready Feb 2025
Hydrangea paniculata Pee Gee is a fantastic variety of paniculata hydrangea. It is set to be very popular due to its tolerance of sunny locations in the garden and its amazing displays of flowers! Hydrangea paniculata Pee Gee blooms prolifically through summer, starting green, then changing white. And as the flowers age over summer and Autumn they take on beautiful green, copper, brass and pink colours. They make a fantastic dried flower at this stage. It is a dense and compact fast growing variety best suited to a sunnier location than traditional mop top hydrangeas. It can be grown as a large shrub to 1.5m if hard pruned pruned in Winter. This variety flowers on new growth and can tolerate a very ha4d prune and still flower. Alternatively you can grow it into a small garden tree with time and patience.
Our plants are available seasonally in 140mm or 200mm pots.
Follow us on Facebook! Here are the rest of our Hydrangeas! For the perfect hydrangea food, try these rock minerals!