Medinilla basaltorum Comoros Island Medinilla - Limited numbers

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Medinilla basaltorum Comoros Island Medinilla is a very very rare and truly beautiful tropical evergreen flowering  plant. Our form was collected from a basalt ridge on the tiny Comoros Islands. and may vary slightly from the Medinilla basaltorum that can be found in Madegascar. It is epiphytic and can naturally found growing on tree branches and rock faces. 
They produce beautiful bright pink flowers and bright orange berries both in the ends of the new foliage and old woody stems!
Their flowers are small and bright pink. They flower for many months, often 3-6 months for us in the nursery. And when pollinated are followed by bright orange berries. They often have both flowers and berries on the plant at the same time as they are prolific flowers in tue right conditions. They provide year round colour between the flowers and berries. And have beautiful large glossy leathery leaves which add to their appeal. They are tropical plants. But do well at our nurseries in Sydney through our cold winters as long as they are protected from frosts and kept just a little dryer than usual. They make fantastic pot and hanging basket specimens where their beautiful berries and flowers can be viewed up close. And make wonderful indoor plants in bright airy rooms near a window. 

We have beautiful specimens available in 200mm hanging baskets. They are flowering sized plants and may or may not be in flower or berry at time of purchase (depending on season and individual plants). 

For the perfect Medinilla food, try Flower Blend - one of these rock minerals!

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