Hydrangea macrophylla Avante Garde
Hydrangea macrophylla Avante Garde is a unique long-flowering Hydrangea with truely enormous blooms. Characterising Avantgarde are its large dark leaves and huge umbel of flowers with a minimum diameter of 30cm.
The plant reaches a height of up to around 1 metre tall. The flower is white at first, and then becomes a very light pink colour in alkaline soils or powder blue in acid soils. When the mop head is fully in bloom, it will not weaken or fall, but become a green colour, and finally it will often age to a dramatic autumnal red shade. When the flowers are removed, a new flower appears after a few weeks, so you can enjoy Hydrangea macrophylla Avante Garde continually through the year.
The enormous blooms will cover sturdy multi-branched plants, but if you remove side branches and grow as a single stem, the blooms get even larger. Each spectacular bloom remains for over 2 months, changing colour through shades of white, pink and finally lime green. Strong stems make these stunning hydrangea flowers ideal for cutting and ensure that the blooms won't flop - even after rain! An eye-catching shrub for borders or large pots.
Soil or potting media will determine the colour of your flowers. Don't want luck to determine you hydrangea colour? Use Hyadrangea Blueing Agent or Hydrangea Pinking Agent to turn the flowers the colour you desire.
Our plants are large and in 200mm pots. Follow us on Facebook! Here are the rest of our Hydrangeas! For the perfect hydrangea food, try these rock minerals!